Our Mission
To champion equitable public education for students, families, and our community. Through grants, volunteers, and STEM programs, we center equity for the benefit of our students and the entire community.
Our Vision
A future where public schools support students of all identities and life experiences to thrive in school and in life.
Our Values
- We strive for success for all students
- We center equity and human dignity
- We invest in innovation and collaboration
Our Theory of Change
In the spring of 2022, we worked with staff, board, Teaching & Learning Advisors & Community Advisors to build out this Theory of Change. It will focus and guide our work over the next 3-5 years.
Our History
The Berkeley Public Schools Fund (then Berkeley Public Education Foundation) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization established in 1983, when Proposition 13 tax restructuring began impacting public schools. A group of Berkeley parents and community leaders, concerned about the diminishing resources for public schools, created the Berkeley Public Schools Fund.
Starting with educator grants, followed by volunteer programs, and most recently STEM programming, the Berkeley Public Schools Fund directs resources to areas of greatest need (“equity gaps”) in the Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) and is a reliable resource for educators, BUSD, and the broader public school community.
The Schools Fund is entirely supported by contributions from individuals and businesses in the community. Funds are directed to support students through grants for educators, training and matching volunteers with educators, to run our STEM programming and for specific purposes designated by fiscal sponsorship arrangements.
Year to year, operating costs for the Schools Fund are 20-30 percent of our budget.

Mona Aldabashi
Administrative Assistant

Nagat Alwasim
STEM Programs Manager

Karina Cruz Rosales
Communications Coordinator

Greta Hadley
Director of Development

Sally McLaughlin
Program Manager—Schools Support Volunteers

Jissel Poblete
Program Manager, Grants & Classroom Volunteers

Duffy Ross
Executive Director

Angie Won
Director of Finance & Operations, STEM Programs Supervisor
Board of Directors

José Luis Bedolla

William Cardenas

Kevin Craddock II

Rachel Eisner

Mary Friedman
Founding Member

Juan Galvan

Maya Glenn

Bobby Lutzker

Allan ``Chuck`` Miller
Founding Member

Kacy Hatcher Robinson

Dennis Schrag

Julie Sinai

Lynna Tsou

Tse-Sung Wu

Ana Zamost
Alumni Board Advisors

Terry Taplin

Yasi Nouri Massih

Madan Kumar

John Caner

Laurie Capitelli

Chris Hudson

Marisita Jarvis

Ruben Lizardo

Karen McKie

Josh Miller

Locke Schultz Jaeger

Abby Smith

Marsha Weintraub

Board Chair from 2005 – 2007. His career in non-profit finance included almost 2 decades as
Chief Financial Officer of Cal Performances on the UC Berkeley campus. More recently, he
served as Interim Managing Director for the Freight & Salvage where he helped support several
system-wide arts integration programs at the elementary & middle school levels. Calvin’s wife
and their two daughters all attended Berkeley Public Schools.
Calvin Eng
Alumni Board Advisors
Carol Olson
Annual Reports
Office Location
2020 Bonar Street, Suite 130
Berkeley, CA 94702
Call Us
Email Us
& Mailing Address
PO Box 2066
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tax ID
Tax ID #94-2918219